Spring is here and so is project season! April is National Safe Digging Month and we here at the district recognize the importance of contacting 811 before all outdoor digging projects.
News Article
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
7:30 A.M.
Keep Wipes out of the Pipes!
Flushing wipes and other products can clog your home plumbing system, causing sewage backups into your home and expensive repairs to unclog your pipes.
World Water Day 2023
World Water Day, held on the 22nd of March every year since 1993, is an annual United Nations Observance focusing attention on the importance of water. This year’s theme is “Accelerating Change” to solve the water and sanitation crisis.
Fix a Leak Week
Mark your calendars! The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) annual Fix a Leak Weak will be held March 20 through 26. Household leaks can waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide.
District Operator Celebrates Ten Years
Michael Chavez celebrated 10 years with the district in January.
Garden In A Box Spring 2023 Gardens Available Now!
Resource Central’s Garden In A Box Available Now!!
Resource Central’s professionally designed gardens contain perennial, xeric (low water) plants for your landscaping needs.
Each xeric garden kit
2023 Colorado Water Plan Will Inspire Action to Build Stronger Water Future
The 2023 Colorado Water Plan was adopted by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) in January 2023 and serves as a framework for statewide collaboration around water planning.
Office Closed for Presidents Day
The District office will be closed on Monday, February 20 for Presidents Day.
If you have urgent business with the District on this day, please call the main number at 303-979-2333. The on-call staff person will respond to your request as soon as possible.
Drought and Snowpack Update
According to the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), 36% of the state is currently experiencing some level of drought (with 54% being at least abnormally dry).