Water Tap Permits
Individuals wishing to connect to a Columbine owned water main must first obtain a water tap and all associated paperwork from the District. Requests for a Columbine water tap permit may be made by faxing, e-mailing, or mailing the Request Water and Sewer Tap Permit form two business days prior to purchasing the permit at the District office, 8739 W. Coal Mine Ave. Water tap permit fees are due when the permit is purchased.
Information pertaining to water tap permit issuance procedures and the District’s current fees may be obtained by calling 303-979-2333.
Sewer Tap Permits
Individuals wishing to connect to a Columbine owned sewer main must first obtain a sewer tap permit all associated paperwork from the District. Requests for a Columbine sewer tap permit may be made by faxing, e-mailing, or mailing the Request Water and Sewer Tap Permit form two business days prior to purchasing the permit at the District office, 8739 W. Coal Mine Ave. Sewer tap permit fees are due when the permit is purchased. A separate sewer tap permit is required for each single family residence, each unit in a multi-family building, and each unit in a commercial and/or industrial application. Sewer tap fees are due when the sewer tap permit is purchased.
Information pertaining to sewer tap permit issuance procedures and the District’s current fees may be obtained by calling 303-979-2333.