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2021 Water and Sewer Rates Increase

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Water Rates

On October 28, the Denver Board of Water Commissioners adopted rate changes that will take effect January 1, 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 rate increase will primarily fund the Lead Reduction Program that launched in January 2020.

Denver Water’s rates are designed to pay for critical upgrades and projects to keep its system operating efficiently. Denver Water’s proposed five-year, $1.5 billion capital plan includes about 100 major projects. The projects are focused on maintaining or upgrading infrastructure and ensuring the utility has the flexibility needed to ensure a reliable water supply as weather patterns in the future veer from the past and the population grows.

A water bill is comprised of a volume rate for the amount of water used and also a fixed charge. The fixed change helps ensure Denver Water has a stable source revenue to continue funding the necessary water system upgrades to ensure reliable service, All residential customers will see a slight increase on both the fixed monthly charge and the price per gallon.

Beginning January 1, 2021, fixed monthly charges will rise to $16.46 per month for district customers who have a ¾ inch meter. These increases result in District customers seeing a monthly increase of less than 1% to rates charged by Denver Water. 

Customers will receive information about the 2021 rates in their bills. If you have any questions about this rate increase, please call Denver Water Customer Care at 303-893-2444.

Sewer Rates - City of Littleton

On October 20, the Littleton City Council adopted sewer rate increases for all customers connected to the wastewater collection system. The new rates will take effect on January 1, 2021. 

Annual sewer utility fees that fund the operational and capital needs of the sewer utility system are proposed to increase by 3%. This revenue funds projects at the South Platte Renew (SPR) treatment plant and as well as a utility rate study and master plan. Revenues will also fund lining of sewer mains and interceptors in various locations, annual repairs of manholes that are in poor or failing condition, and spot repairs of sanitary sewer pipes that are failing. These improvements have been a major factor in the reduction of sanitary sewer main backups.

District customers will receive information about the 2021 rates in their annual sewer bill. If you have any questions about this rate increase, please call the City of Littleton at 303-795-3700.

Sewer Rates - City of Englewood

The City of Englewood sewer rates will increase by 4.5% in 2021. The new rate will be effective April 1, 2021. The City of Englewood will be implementing a Customer Assistance Program (CAP) for those experiencing financial hardship or who are on fixed incomes to cope with the rising costs. More information about the program will be coming soon from the City of Englewood.

For more information about this rate increase, please call the City of Englewood at 303-762-2300.