The 2021 Columbine Water and Sanitation District Budget includes an explanatory budget report, the 2021 budget, property tax assessment report, a schedule of lease – purchase agreements, and the ten-year financial plan. The financial portion includes 2018 and 2019 actual results, an estimate of 2020 results and the 2021 budget.
Columbine is a quasi-municipal corporation, governed pursuant to provisions of the Colorado Special District Act. The District's service area is located in Arapahoe County, Colorado and serves the following subdivisions: Columbine Country Club, Columbine Lakes, The Villas, Coventry, portions of the Hamlet, Country Club Villas, Brookhaven, and Willowcroft Manor.
Total revenue from all sources in 2021 is projected to be $188,204. Total expenditures including contingencies and emergency reserves are budgeted at $205,777, $11,157 less than budgeted in 2020. Operating expenditures are budgeted at $146,915, $2,338 less than 2020 budgeted expenses of $149,253. Capital expenditures for 2021 are budgeted at $5,000 and the annual capital construction payment to Valley Sanitation of $14,900 is budgeted under Debt Service.
Beginning funds available in 2021 are estimated to be $632,055. The reserve fund balance is projected to decrease $17,573 to $614,482 at year end 2021. Excluding expenditures from the TABOR emergency reserve and contingency budget items, the reserve fund balance at year end 2021 will be $653,444, $21,389 more than the reserve funds projected to be available at year end 2020.
The entire 2021 Budget can be found on the district's website under financial information.