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Colorado Water Plan Open for Public Comment

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“Colorado’s water touches every aspect of our daily lives, and it is facing unprecedented challenges that require all Coloradans to embrace a new water ethic. We must come together to protect this critical resource in increasingly innovative ways. The time for action is now.” – Colorado Water Plan

The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) released a draft of the 2023 Colorado Water Plan, set for release in early 2023. The draft version is currently out for a 90-day public comment period from June 30 – September 30, 2022. Public comments can be submitted through

This updated plan is the state’s second edition and builds on a legacy of integrated statewide planning for water in Colorado. The first Colorado Water Plan was released in 2015. The Water Plan is a grassroots effort, and relies on the Colorado water community to identify and implement basin-specific and/or statewide water projects that provide multiple benefits to the state’s diverse water users.

The CWCB creates and manages the Plan’s framework, and supports the state’s water community with funding and technical resources to implement programs and projects. The 2023 Water Plan vision is focused into four major action areas: Vibrant Communities, Robust Agriculture, Thriving Watersheds, and Resilient Planning.